What if the real ‘Change’ comes through the Senate screening?

What if the real ‘Change’ comes through the Senate screening?

Imagine, just imagine that the real Change happens this time. Imagine that the Senate says and acts out change in the confirmation of the president’s nominees as ministers. Imagine that they no longer practice the ‘bow and go’ thing when it comes to former parliamentarians and other ‘big’ men and women. Imagine that in so doing, they actually drill the nominees, starting with the ‘first 11’ list of 21. Imagine that thy actually refuse to approve any of the persons and that for justifiable reasons…

What if President Buhari looks at the outcome and decides he is not going to interfere with the legitimate process of the parliament because in a presidential democracy the president proposes and the parliament disposes (or approves)?

What if the president then goes ahead to propose other names, apart from the rejected names and they are approved? Would we blame PMB for not ‘doing something’ (that is compensating) those who helped him with all those megabucks to run his campaign and win the elections? At least we can say, ‘but the president don try for dem na. Na dem luck no shine’. Or we can even say that it is their time to accept the consequences of their (previous) actions.

Can we pray up such change so that we know that we are free from this whole thing called political wheeler dealing.

Written by
Obo Effanga
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