We were there (read to the accompaniment of the ’empty-hen’ recent advert)
By Obo Effanga
We were there when you billed us 36k to own our first mobile lines
We were there when you told us to BOGOF
We were there when you billed us per minute
And rounded up our 1 minute, 3 seconds calls to 2 minutes for your billing
We were there in 2013 when you screamed that per second billing was impossible
Or would take six more years to happen, we were there
We were there when you stole our money through dropped calls
And milked us through excessive billings but gave free air time to legislators
We were there when you allowed our hard-earned air time to mystically disappear
And all we got were stories upon stories of excuses
We were there when you connived with our unscrupulous citizens to avoid and evade taxes
But ship your profits home and to tax havens abroad, we were there.
And now that your cup of atrocities has overflowed,
We are here waiting for you to pay up your trillion Naira penalty.
We are here grinning that our time has come to have the last laugh…for now
And we can’t wait to see you pay that trillion. We are here!