Citizen A:
Our war chest is lean
And $1bn is needed
Lawmakers say ‘aye’
Citizens ask why?
Citizen B:
Our glutton to feed
That this war must be won
What glutton we ask
What war and what chest?
Citizen A:
The glutton is government
The war insurgency
Citizen B:
Which war chest we ask again
Citizen A:
On paper it’s this war
In practice it is…
Sorry it’s quarter past 8pm
My bed time is here
I cannot talk more
Citizen B:
What has quarter past 8 got to do with sleep, war and war chest?
Citizen A:
Quarter past 8pm is 20:15 stupid!
Citizen B:
And the war chest?
Citizen A:
Sorry, I can’t help you. I said 2015, so use your head!