Valentine and the Day After

Valentine and the Day After

Pity the flowers that got plucked
And got delivered to express love
Pity the flowers that got crushed
In-between bruised lovers

Pity the ones that got thrown away
Or the flowers that got despised
Or the flowers abused
And the flowers lost

Pity the many lost for ever
And the many deflowered
Or those shaken down there
Whether unkindly or by choice

Or cut by deceit and subterfuge
After all the sweet nothings were uttered
And many meals downed in greed
Or sweet and red wines downed

Downed to blend with the Valentine colour
Downed to drown the voice of reasoning
And lead someone to ecstasy unimaginable
But passed off as love expression

Pity the ones who wake up today
Cursing yesterday and yesterday’s person
Praying yesterday never was
Wishing they could erase yesterday

Pity the one who desire to rewind to two days earlier
And enter yesterday again with reasoning intact
Unfortunately yesterday is gone
And the events undoable

So let each one accept their yesterday
And live with the consequences
But if they still live long enough
Let them learn against the future

Valentine remains but a hype
Hyped by a capitalist world
To keep the business lines hydrated
But true love remains for all times

(Obo Effanga February 15 2017)

Written by
Obo Effanga
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