Unidentified courteous police convoy (UCPC):

Unidentified courteous police convoy (UCPC):

So this morning, I witnessed an ‘unusual’ scene. Unusual within the Nigerian context. On my way to work I saw this convoy of police vehicles come out of the road beside Citec’s Mbora Estate. I was ahead of them at that junction so they came behind me. My first suspicion was that the outrider on a motorbike was going to do what they usually do – run everyone else off the road so that his ‘oga at the top’ (OATT) could have a smooth ride to the office or wherever he was headed. But he did not.
They just kept a dignified distance, going through the few traffic bottlenecks caused by cars exiting or entering the major road. Even when we got to a point where there was a police traffic warden controlling traffic, the convoy didn’t get ahead. We went on all the way until we hit the major roundabout going to Gwarinpa Estate and the convoy turned right and headed towards the city centre while I headed to Gwarinpa.

I do not know who the OATT was but the registration number of the car is ‘NPF-02-9’ All I want to say is that he is a decent public officer and I pray he helps influence his colleagues to act as civil as he just displayed. Oh, well, the officer could as well be a woman. So, he or she deserves commendation.

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