The Power of the Spoken Word

The Power of the Spoken Word

Nduka Ugbade FIFA Kodac U 16 Cup 1985

In August 1985, while receiving the maiden FIFA U-17 (then called FIFA Kodak U-16) trophy won by the Nigerian team captained by Nduka Ugbade, then head of state, Major General Muhammadu Buhari spoke some words which became prophetic. He told the team nicknamed by Nigerians severally as ‘Baby Eagles’ or ‘Eaglets’ something like “you shall no longer be known as or called Eaglets but as ‘World Golden Eaglets'”.
The name Golden Eaglets got stuck on the team and 30 years later, Buhari, as an elected president is set to receive the FIFA U-17 trophy from the team which has eventually won it a record five times and now back-to-back.
Now, that’s the power of the spoken word!

Golden Eaglets win 2015 FIFA U-17 World Cup

Written by
Obo Effanga
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