Red, everywhere you go

Red, everywhere you go

Everywhere you go is red
Red dress day? Yes
Red letter day? No
What is going on? I ask
Is there a game of football today?
Maybe Man U is playing
Or Arsenal gunning for fourth place
Or Liverpool walking alone
But I feel so all alone
In a sea of red
Red sea if you like
For some will see red today
When the day is over
And they realize
February 14th is just a day
That they call it Valentine’s Day
Or fahlentine in many a tongues
Is no excuse
To go all giddy
Or fool around
This day will pass like other days
And every true lover knows
Everyday is for lovers
One day for pretenders
And that is today
But if today is day of the red
At least I have my red notebook

Obo Effanga
February 14, 2017

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