To all who would be sworn in today as Senators and members of the House of Representatives, whether deserving or by stolen mandates, whether you would last or be kicked out when your fraud or other skeleton in your cupboard is discovered, I commend you to God that He may arrest your entire being and use you to achieve His purpose for our country. I pray when you read your oaths of allegiance and of office, you be convicted by it and uphold it at all times, even against your will. May you strive to serve and not see the National Assembly as your farmland, goldmine or oil block. May you help reduce the cost of governance by your taste and actions. May you not be as corrupt and wayward as most of your predecessors were. May God save you from the pressures and negative influences of your political parties, family, friends, neighbours, associates, town unions, religious groups, old boys leagues, former work colleagues etc who may see you as the conduit to loot the public treasury. And if you ever try to defraud or act against the interest of Nigeria. and the welfare and security of its people, may God visit His wrath upon you in His own spectacular way and bring you to shame. And may the Good LORD see you through this national assignment. Amen!