On Father’s Day, I cried

On Father’s Day, I cried

Yesterday I cried. It was Father’s Day. No I was not sad, but I cried because I was touched. I was touched by my two young daughters. Eme is 9 going to 10 and Ama is 8, super 8, I must add. They pulled me into my bedroom that evening and made me sit down on the bed while they the sat, flanking me.
My wife was in the kitchen, oblivious of the scene. The duo of angels poured out their hearts to me.
They acknowledged it was Father’s Day and they’d have loved to buy me a present. But they had no money then. And they thought mom didn’t have extra money either. But they just wanted to show me how much they love me still.
Both girls held my shoulders and my hands. They took turns to pray for me, that I be the best dad that can be; that God favours and blesses me. I found me crying as they prayed. It was so touching I couldn’t hold back tears. And then, the girls cried too. They were touched that they saw their father cry. But then fathers are also human. And the expression of love by daughters can bring out the humanity in us father. It was then I remembered how special I am to God, to be blessed and surrounded by women who love me so much.
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