July 9 as July 10

July 9 as July 10
(By Obo Effanga)

Strange coincidence

July 10 and July 9
As it was on July 10
So it has been on July 9, its eve

July 10 2003 Anambra had its macabre dance

July 9 2013 is ten years after the dance
And the dance troupe has landed
Landed in full colours in Rivers

July, oh July

Your ten year cycle has come round
What political atrocities we see in thee
But no need to apologise dear July

The fault is not in thee

Neither in our laws
It is in our political class
The cesspit of brigandage

Give them time and see

They will kiss and make up
Because they only disagree now
But will agree too soon

Just so that they continue

Continue to plunder
Plunder our common wealth
And they shall live happily ever after

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