Goodbye is hard to say

Goodbye is hard to say

Goodbye is hard to say…
So now I bid ActionAid goodbye
But between us we know it is mere pretence
Not after eleven years and six months
Of being an ActionAider
That long I seeped in ActionAid in many ways
That long I exuded ActionAid in many more ways
Now I realise profoundly so
That Goodbye is a difficult word to say and mean
So let me just say in few words
I leave the physical office, ActionAid
And continue living the ideals of ActionAid
Because those ideals had always been my life
Most assuredly I lived and believed those ideals
Even before my path and ActionAid’s crossed
So even though I am not on ActionAid’s roll
The chip is embedded inside of me
(Obo Effanga, July 14, 2017)
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