From Valencia Hotel to Arsenal House…

From Valencia Hotel to Arsenal House…

Hey, do you remember the names of houses in your alma mater back then? No, I am not talking to people who went to schools with house names like Blue House, Green House and the likes. I am addressing people whose houses had real names, and often with a good sense of history attached to them.
Ever wondered what houses are named in contemporary schools today? I saw one today and was I amazed. All through this afternoon and evening, across much of Gwarinpa area of Abuja, motorists were confronted with fliers of one of those private schools that pride themselves as an ‘academy’, in a last ditch effort to woo parents to consider choosing the school for their children and wards.
On the fliers were photos of nice-looking homely environments and children at play. I was just going through it when my ever critical eyes found the names of the houses which were named after…wait for it, English football clubs! So I saw Arsenal House, Liverpool House and Manchester United House. Now if that isn’t ludicrous, tell me what is?

Okay, okay, more ridiculous than that is the fact that we have a little too many hotels in Abuja, named after foreign football teams. So there are hotels named Chelsea, Valencia, Barcelona, Bolton (White) and Trafford. Naija na wah! 
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