Food is ready

Food is ready
Scratch that, the table is set
Come one, come all
Come cross the river
Skate the mountains and traverse the rainforest
For long before now
Thy adherents have had their fill
And filled the church pews with belly filled
Now is the time ripe for the clergy
The state pottage to taste
After all everyone is a joint heir
To the state till and resources
Let the gods bless the elite and the connected
With appointments useful or useless
The multitude can afford to beg
Now all get served from the same till
For when it comes to public till
There is neither clergy nor laity
After all they all buy from the same market
If the state perishes, it perishes.
*Thoughts from an imaginary citizen of an imaginary state in an imaginary world. Any semblance to any event past, present or future is coincidental.
(September, 2020).

Written by
Obo Effanga
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