Dennis Brutus the ageing steely
By Obo Effanga

In the middle of a film session he walks in
Quietly, somewhat unobtrusive
But for the few who noticed him and clap

Quietly at the back he goes to sit
Film over, lights on and Dennis is introduced
The great poet and activist is with us

It is for this reason we travelled several miles
For this purpose he also traversed the seas and mountains
To mentor us younger activists

A few minutes of discussions he impresses us
For his poetry and acting
Karl Marx he recreates and you would think he is him

Then he is back to Dennis
Dennis the poet, Dennis the writer, Dennis the non-violent activist
Dennis the menace? No, Dennis the genius!

Dennis Brutus? Yes, the same Dennis Brutus
Whose pen inspiring words flow from
Words that change the world

Isn’t it great to meet the great Dennis
To learn from the ageing yet steely idol
How he feels to be 83 and still counting?

By Obo Effanga on the occasion of Dennis Brutus’ 83 birthday during the ActionAid Economic Justice Training at Kenyan School of Monetary Studies, Nairobi. November 28, 2007

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