Jigawa calls itself “A New World”, more like a different world, if you ask me. Sleepy, hot and rocky. Its capital city is named Dutse, meaning a rock. And that dots many of its landscapes. On one such rock formation sits the Jigawa Hotel.

If you ask an average resident here where Jigawa Hotel is, chances are that he/she would say there is no hotel by such a name. Re-phrase your question and ask for “Three Star” and they will show you to the hotel by the rock…you bet, it is the same Jigawa Hotel.

Do not ask me who created or conferred the stars on the hotel in the first place. Everyone calls it that and so nobody stops to ask, after all that is the only good hotel where anybody who is somebody (or whose organisation can afford to pay for) stays.

Just one week here and I couldn’t but marvel at the scenic sites that need to be made popular in publications and on the internet. Hey, wasn’t its immediate past governor the one who claimed to drive the state into the IT age?
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